vendredi 30 janvier 2009

Ready to eat pasta all year long ?

Yesterday in France we had a massive strike (u know we're really well known for that and proud of it) which get together in the streets more than 2 millions people. Times are hard, really hard so let's hav' a bit of fun with this sensitive subject ! Go on this excellent french website : !


mercredi 21 janvier 2009

U rocked !

Thanx to all the people who turned up at DV1 in Lyon and Kiosk in lille this WE, was a blast, had a great time with my pal Czeski and our hosts from Lyon, Hervé AK & Inch. For sure see u soon as we're gonna be back ...

mercredi 14 janvier 2009

January Playlist

Shonky : Coco Feel And Love Shonk (Contexterrior)
Paul Loraine : Pins & Needles (Fondation Records)
Catz 'N Dogz : SF (Mothership)
Jens Bond : Hypochonder (Highgrade Records)
Electric Rescue : Rave Toy EP (Signaletik Records)
SVD : SVD (Ibadan Records)
TP Heckmann : City of Sin (Afu Ltd)
Ruede Hagelstein : Semikolon EP (Souvenir Music)
Joey Beltram : Shaking Trees (Harthouse)
Joey Beltram : The Scorpion EP (Drumcode)

Signaletik is in da place

So happy, after the digital release 15 days ago our 1st EP is now available on the vinyl format in all good shops ! Still strong supports from the techno scene, it seems that our release is hammered by some of the best djs !
Another good news, the 2nd EP is now available in streaming on our myspace page :
Electric Rescue, boss of french label Skryptom delivered us 2 killer tracks, and as a cherry on the cake Julian Jeweil blew our mind with a remix which will certainely be played everywhere. Go to our myspace to listen to it, we hope to be in stores in February, stay tuned. Hereunder the release sheet :

After Darko Esser, the french label Signaletik Records persevere in a rude and dynamic techno sound by welcoming one of the proudest representant of the french electronic scene : Electric Rescue.
Boss of the infamous Parisian label, Skryptom, he offered us a definitely different and massive sound than usual with 2 exclusive tracks : « Rave Toy » & « Skull of the pirate ».
“Rave Toy” is a flashback in the 90’s illegal warehouse parties which ER attempted to and which forged his vision of electronic music. It’s definitely this culture which is reactualized here and remember on these days the smile(y) was the norm. A heavy and powerful kick, a snoring bass line, trippy synths and hedonistic breaks, at Signaletik Records office we all went up on our speakers and we sent our trainee in search of whistles.
Julian Jeweil, another real hope of France dance scene, signed a nervous and federator remix, a toy which is not to be put in innocent hands.
“Skull of the pirate”, just the time to sponge your forehead and change of T-shirt, Electric Rescue & Signaletik Records will hit with damages the dancefloors attracted by the dark and saturated ambience. In the same vein than “Rave Toy” this track under acid and full of synths will start the hostilities without any doubt, tented face, black glance and aggressiveness ready to destroy everything on its way. There will be no prisoners in the techno freaks community.

DV1 weekend !

A week end dedicated to DV1, one of the leading underground club of France. We'll be in Lyon with Czeski this friday and the day after we bring Herve AK, well known for his releases on Kompakt, and Unchi from the Requiem 45 crew @ Kiosk. It's gonna be a hell of a week end ! Be there !

mercredi 7 janvier 2009

No Fun

What a sad day, Ron Asheton, guitarist of The Stooges was found dead yesterday at home. This 60 years old genius was voted by Rolling Stones magazine 29th best guitarist of all times, true as he wrote some of the greatest riffs of rock n'roll in songs like "No Fun", "I Wanna Be Your Dog" & "TV Eye". Founded in 1967 in Detroit, The Stooges splitted in 1974 to reformed in 2003 for a new album which hitted the stores in 2007

The other bad news is about Florian Schneider, cofounder of Kraftwerk who announced last monday that he left the band. No reason given, Ralf will be alone now on stage.

Let's hope Paul Mc Cartney & Ringo Starr are doing fine ...

mardi 6 janvier 2009

Year of reason ?

I was lookin' for a special thing for the start of the year to put on the blog, I could say that 2008 was good for me, lots of good things, gigs, crazy parties, nice encounters, launching of a label, some tracks on their way, a trip in NYC and ... a baby which is comin'. With all of that why not being positive ? Because it's simply not in my nature, as u know for me dark & weird are the keys.
So i decided to take the same comment as last year, it was the 1st one as I start this blog 1 year ago, 112 messages after i'm still there so just follow these nice advices from Thom & its crew

fitter / happier / more productive /comfortable / not drinking too much / regular exercise at the gym (3 days a week) / getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries / at ease /eating well (no more microwave dinners and saturated fats) / a patient better driver / a safer car (baby smiling in back seat) / sleeping well (no bad dreams) / no paranoia / careful to all animals (never washing spiders down the plughole) / keep in contact with old friends (enjoy a drink now and then) / will frequently check credit at (moral) bank (hole in wall) / favours for favours / fond but not in love / charity standing orders / on sundays ring road supermarket / (no killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants) / car wash (also on sundays) / no longer afraid of the darkor midday shadows / nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate / nothing so childish /at a better pace / slower and more calculated / no chance of escape / now self-employed / concerned (but powerless) /an empowered and informed member of society (pragmatism not idealism) / will not cry in public / less chance of illness / tires that grip in the wet (shot of baby strapped in back seat) /a good memory / still cries at a good film / still kisses with saliva / no longer empty and frantic / like a cattied to a stick that's driven into / frozen winter shit (the ability to laugh at weakness) / calm / fitter, healthier and more productive / a pig / in a cage / on antibiotics

Credits : Larry Clark / Radiohead

Ivan ready for 2009