It's well known that all alone you're nothing except a selfish cunt. Nobody to tell you when you're wrong, nobody to rest your head on its loving shoulder, nobody to share your joy and desilusions with, nobody, ...
Next tuesday it will makes 9 years I'm with the girl I love. We spent our 20's together and now we're entering the 30's, the love affair goes on !
No better way to describe my feelings that the best love song ever : "God Only Knows" from Beach Boys' Pet Sounds album, still makes my heart bleeds at every listening
"I may not always love you
But long as there are stars above you
You never need to doubt it
Ill make you so sure about it
God only knows what I'd be without you
If you should ever leave me
Though life would still go on believe me
The world could show nothing to me
So what good would living do me
God only knows what I'd be without you"
Credit : Magritte
2 commentaires:
putain ! 9 ans !!!! l'époque des lundi au havana ,des pieds de porc sauce créole ,et des crèpes au pshit!
la plus mieux des garçons de plage - juste derrière "hang on to your ego" quand même.
bien ton blog.
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