It's been a while I haven't drop a new promo mix and these days of rest permit me to correct this error by locking me in my music room, you know the one with all the posters in it where even your girlfriend doesn't want to go. I made a selection of fresh sounds and not so old stuff I really wanted to be on this mix like the Jonas Kopp trax which blows the crowds everytime I spin it. Play it Loud !
Fuckpony : Lady Judy - Matt Styles & Jamie Jones rmx (BPitch)
Louderbach : Magda Reflected - Liquid Acid rmx (Underline)
Style of Eye : Hide (Dirtybird)
The Hacker And Eric Borgo : Zone It's A Fine Line rmx (Tsuba)
Efdemin : Acid bells (Curel)
Ruede Hagelstein : Der Kammblaser (Lebensfreude)
Marc Antona : Brain Raid (Sender)
Bigger Than Jesus : Baby Hawkins (TFE)
Fabrikat : Null Eins Tigerskin rmx (Fabrikat)
Alex Under : Trapezones Erectos And Extrapezlo Alexi Delano And Xpansul rmx (Trapez)
Plastikman : Spastik Dubfire Rework (M_nus)
Plan Tec : Espias Psiquicos Jonas Kopp Psiquic rmx (Spectral)
Discodeine : Tema Di Gamma (D-I-R-T-Y)
Blur : Death of a Party (EMI)
Go to :, enjoy, spread it all over you and don’t hesitate to give some feedbacks !
Credit : Larry Clarke
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