jeudi 10 janvier 2008

Fear & Loathing in club backstages

There was a time I used to do interviews & vynil reviews for the famous belgian website Reading it 3-4 years after they were realised was really fun to me so let's bring them from the crypt.

I sometimes feel in the skin of the regretted Hunter S. Thompson, creator of the gonzo journalism especially one time. Arriving at a crazy night with my pals, drinkin' champagne & vodka, partyin' and OH NO takin' an E as the itw was scheduled at the end of the party, but it was not ... 15 minutes after I was in a full light room with Laurent Garnier ... still laughing at it !

To check all the interviews go to :

Featuring : Luciano, Anthony Rother, Basti from Tiefschwarz, The Hacker & Oxia, Darren Price, Electric Indigo, Scan X, Spacid, Miss Kittin, Spacid, The Penelopes, Angel Molina, Terence Fixmer, Rolando, Miss Kittin, ... & Laurent Garnier.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

yes, en reference a Hunter Thompson, celebre gonzo journaliste ;)

je decouvre ton blog et ca me plait.

Etienne (Electronews)