mercredi 31 décembre 2008

Our 1st & cherished release with Signaletik Rec

Here we are, our 1st Signaletik EP is in digital stores since December 19th and available in vinyl on the 10th of January. As we all know launchin' a label is more than difficult and we experienced lots of troubles. Dudes, the crisis in the musical industry and mainly in electronics is for real ... Concerning the release from dutch artist Darko Esser we have strong supports from Laurent Garnier, Deetron, Chloé, Raudive, DJ Hell, ... U can go & listen to the 2 tracks from darko & the rmx from Scan X on our myspace :
The next one will hit the stores in february with Electric rescue, boss of Skryptom, agremented with a stuning rmx by Julian Jeweil, stay tuned

vendredi 26 décembre 2008

Everybody's got something to hide (except for me & my monkey)

Few shows get better & better each year, "Dexter" is part of these ones, just finished the 3rd season yesterday and OMFG that was a hell of a one. Can't wait the 4th ... some months of waiting now. Another great show of this year "True Blood" by the creator of "Six Feet Under", check it out !

Dexter Showtime Website
True blood HBO Website

Knew I'll be there one day

mardi 23 décembre 2008

2008 soon dead

End of year, time to hav' a look on the passing year and who best than the Resident Advisor crew to realize it ? Always at the top of the intelligent dance music they dropped their poll results few days ago, hav' a look cos' that's what 2008 was all about.

Top 30 Tracks
Top 20 LPs
Top 100 Djs
Top 20 Compilations
Top 15 Remixes
Top 10 Live Acts
Top 20 Labels

And finally we did it

So proud to present at least 2 tracks we made with my buddy Monoblok from, which was selected in the last Trax magazine as 1 of the most promising netlabel of 2009. U can listen to our tracks on our brand new myspace :
Visit, become friend and leave a comment if our tunes make ur body shake !!!

mardi 16 décembre 2008

R.I.P Betty Page (1923-2008)

Bettie Page, gay icon & queen of the US pin ups died last thursday in LA from a pneumonia. Suffering from a heart attack she had more than a week ago, she never woke up. A legend is gone, every teenager had one day fantasmed on this 50's pin up which largely contributed to the 60's sexual revolution. Now we have porn stars or empty brains Paris Hilton lookalike, nothing in comparaison to this queen of hearts.

jeudi 11 décembre 2008

U have to know

Blur are back .. but not my 20's

And so, with considerable fanfare, the mighty Blur have finally reformed. If you've kissed goodbye to your 20s, as I have, and were once partial to ringer T-shirts and hairslides, as I was, you no doubt felt delighted to see the return of a quartet whose clever pop soundtracked your first teenage fumblings, and whose simple existence turned your youth technicolour.

But here's a thing: why on earth have they reformed? The simple answer, of course, is the rumoured multimillion pound cheque from Live Nation, quite a nice little earner in these cash-strapped times.

But while many bands reform to top up their pensions, surely Blur don't need to. Damon Albarn definitely doesn't. He's been raking in the simian-shaped bills thanks to Gorillaz and Monkey: Journey To The West. Alex James has been making a mint as a Classic FM DJ and a peddler of cheese. Next to them, Graham Coxon has had a decent solo career, and Dave Rowntree, ever the oddball, has been running for parliament. All those royalties for Parklife and Song 2 will have kept the four of them afloat anyway, so perhaps, as Albarn himself says in this week's NME, there really is something for them to do again.

But when he says "we've got a reason to exist", what does he mean? I've got a few theories. Firstly, today's British indie bands, with the exception of the grand Arctic Monkeys, are a rum old lot. Kaiser Chiefs' football-chant indie has lost its match fitness, Bloc Party's post-punk has gone properly po-faced, and Razorlight are so far up their behinds they're kissing their colons. None of these bands possess a smidgeon of the creativity that Blur had, so perhaps Albarn feels that it's time to lay down the gauntlet.

Secondly, maybe Blur want us to remember how different they were to Oasis and the Verve, the only massive Britpop bands still trading their goods. While the Gallaghers regurgitate Beatles references for the trillionth time, and Richard Ashcroft confuses epic sentiment for an embarrassing whine, Blur had a career that was rich in variety. I'm not saying they're faultless – an opening chord of Stereotypes or Country House, for example, can still make my bile rise. But consider the very different pleasures of She's So High, Beetlebum and Crazy Beat, and you realise, instantly, how rich their wares were.

Finally, Blur's influence is still apparent in contemporary pop. From Lily Allen's forthcoming single, The Fear, to the Wombats' daft Christmas single, I still hear the bright, sprightly Englishness that they helped make so modern. Put all this together with the band's unassailable egos – the one feature of Blur that still blots their copy book – and is it such a surprise that they're back with us? They want to return next July in Hyde Park, like the founding fathers of the music they spawned. And after all, this is how reunion etiquette works. As Blur would put it themselves, there's no other way.

Taken from

Beautiful looser part 3

After Kevin Dillon & Will Ferrel, the story goes on for the beautifull loosers. Here's one really hard to beat, Mister Maurice Moss from the british tv show on Channel 4 "The IT Crowd".

Moss is the nerdiest person you will ever meet. He has all the classic symptoms: trousers too short but worn too high, bad hair, clip-on ties, very bad hair, socially inept, an interesting variety of maths teacher check shirts, and really really bad hair. He can use more TLAs than an RFC on ICT so conversation can really make you glaze over. Moss' sense of absolute logic is unendingly funny.

Moss also possesses the incredible yet useless skill of jabbing a screwdriver into the desk between his fingers at incredible speed. One miss and he'll ruin his typing speed!

The life of an IT dpt in Reynholm Industries. Hilarious & so brit' !

Dark groove is my cup of tea

Huge set by Mobilee artist Pan Pot, I don't post a lot of djsets but this one is really a blast !

ZShare link

"It contains a lot of tracks we love to play at the moment in the clubs Quite techno but still groovy"

Butane - Wanderer
Matt Nordstrom - Lucky drawis
Alexi Delano - What is Control (Adultnapper Remix)
Sharam - Get Wild (Steve Angelo Remix)
Gabe - Amnesia
Minilogue - It’s a mice way to give feedback (Heinrichs & Hirtenfeller Remix)
Luca & Paul - Dinamicro (Karotte Remix)
Minilogue - Jamaica (Dubfire Remix)
Danny Tenaglia - The Space Dance (Radio Slave Remix)
Mark Broom - Black Russian
Pan-Pot - Shibuya
Syncom Data - Beyond the Stars (Speedy J Remix)

mardi 2 décembre 2008

The jarv' is still the jarv'

“You make it, and you're bathing in champagne and you can snort as much cocaine as you want and fuck as many beautiful women as you want. Then you find you can do those things, but they don't actually make you very happy.” (Guardian)

Pulp frontman Jarvis Cocker claims rock stardom’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

lundi 1 décembre 2008

So young, so gone

Amazing 1st LP, inventive video, Friendly Fires could be the band of 2008 without any doubt, it's fresh, uncomplexed, as the music should always be !